› prologue
› bucharest, Romania
blank pages› the loud crashing of things being thrown around can be and the frustrated voice of a man can also be heard. the sighing of an older woman can also be heard, the soft footsteps of a child can't be heard, the desperate screaming coming from the little girl is overpowering her footsteps. it's overpowering her screaming at her father to stop, and her asking her father
who are you? what did you do with my dad? the crashing stopped, and so did the screaming. a thud is heard and so are the soft cries of someone. the older woman appears at the side of the man, he's crying softly into his hands as his little girl keeps her distance, he glances up at his daughter and starts to cry harder. he never meant for this to happen, he never meant to hurt her in the way that he did. he felt like such an awful father. the older woman kneels down, keeping in mind the glass that littered the floor, she rests her hand on the man's shoulder. her lips are pursed together when she begins to rub his shoulder, the man slowly stops crying and looks at the older woman with a sincere look, a look that says
'i'm not fit to be the father that leilani needs me to be' - the older woman's face expression turns to a saddened look.
older woman don't you dare blame yourself, jaxin. you're a recovering alcoholic. you didn't mean for this to happen, just know though, that now you need to go spend some time in rehab. it'll pain me and leilani to let you go like this, but you know it's for the best, hon. your little girl isn't safe around you like this. and now that you're not busy with wrestling anymore, you're not keeping yourself distracted from whatever may be bugging you. jaxin, you really need help.
jaxin hangs his head low, he rubs his face and accepts the words that comes out of the woman's mouth. he goes to say something to the woman, but he refrains from saying it, a pout grows on his face. he feels more tears coming, but he refrains from crying. she's right. ever since his career hit the fan, he started drinking more and more, and it's something that he needs to fix before he can step back into the ring. why did she have to be so right? jaxin stands up and fixes his shirt, he looks at his daughter, she's trembling. jaxin frowns and makes his way over to his daughter, he runs a hand over her face and smiles weakly.
jaxin sykes fiică, baby. i love you so much. i'm so sorry for putting you through this. you don't deserve any of this. i promise, i'll get better and we can spend every second together, and when i get my act together, i'll go back to wrestling and i'll do everything just for you and for you grandma, okay? i really do love you baby. i never meant to be an awful father.
the little girl nods her head, she's letting her mind soak in every word. she watches jaxin as he stands up and pivots on his heel, jaxin walks out of the room. he's failed to walk out of the room in a straight manner, the little girl looks eagerly at her grandmother. her grandmother sighs and shakes her head. leilani sighs sadly before she leans against the kitchen wall and feels herself slide down the wall, she lands on her butt softly. leilani pulls her knees to her chest, she hugs her knees tightly.
older woman pat fată, va fi bine. nu lăsați greșelile lui ajunge la tine prea mult, el te iubește atât de mult. el nu a însemnat cu adevărat să te rănesc, el știe greșelile sale și crede-mă dragă, își dorește el ar putea reface totul. tatăl tău este un om puternic, dar de când a murit mama ta, e rău înăuntru. nu e o singura zi care trece în cazul în care tatăl tău nu pierde mama ta.
the sudden use of another language causes the little girl to look up at her grandmother, her grandmother flashes her a sad smile before walking out of the kitchen into the next room. leilani closes her eyes as the tears start to bombard her face.
prologue notes so here's what jax or jaxin, whatever floats your boat, has been up to. yeah, i know. it takes place in twenty fourteen but whatever. that's the whole thing. jax, obviously is now
better persay, but anyway. sorry for using another language, haha. jax apparently had a daughter with some girl that he met while doing an indie tour over in europe. the language is romanian and here's the translation;
'baby girl, he'll be okay. don't let his mistakes get to you too much, he loves you so much. he really never meant to hurt you, he knows his mistakes and trust me darling, he wishes he could redo everything. your father is a strong man, but ever since your mother died, he's hurting inside. there's not a single day that goes by where your father doesn't miss your mother.' also, this does play a huge role in his upcoming promo/interview/whatever the fuck i write, aaand it plays a huge role in his return and why he decided to come back when he did.
january twenty third, two thousand and fifteen.› scene one
› some desert in australia
i'm lost but can't be found› jax sykes is being followed by a camera crew, he's walking around some desert in australia, he's looking around and notices that the area is scarce. the camera crew has yet to start recording jax. jax places his hands in his pants pockets, he licks his lips and looks up at the sun, he should've rethought where he was going to do this promo. jax pushes away all thoughts and pivots on his heel, he turns and faces the camera crew. he grins a bit before he takes his hands out of his pockets and he starts rubbing his hands together. the grin that was once placed on his face begins to disappear when he sees his daughter and her grandmother walk up behind the camera crew, he remembered that it was his visiting month with his little girl. he thinks back to the incident in november, he watches his daughter as she kicks around the dirt on the ground. he lets out a giant sigh. the grandmother waves to him before leaving the little girl alone with the group of men, jax licks his lips, he motions for his daughter to come over to him. she follows his 'order' - the small girl makes her way to her father's side, jax throws an arm around her shoulder. he motions for the camera crew to start recording, the motion the start. jax smiles softly as soon as he sees the red light come on.
jaxin sykes this time last year, i was in some room with three or four other guys. they all looked like they were about to kill each other, but of course they probably where. i wouldn't doubt that as soon as i left that room, they tore each other to shreds. i wouldn't doubt that as soon as i left that room, it became a warzone. those guys where all like me, and we were in that place for a reason:
to recover. we where there to recover from alcohol abuse, but yet it was a warzone. it was like they all needed to prove something to each other. it was like they needed to show who was more macho, or else they'd be failing someone or something. only the strongest survived in that place, many managed to have someone smuggle alcohol in for them. there were literal alcohol sales that resembled drug deals happening there, there were people going crazy for alcohol. that's not normal...they weren't normal. i was the most normal person in that place. people were longing for the feeling of not being able to feel anything. i learned that most of the people that were in there, they didn't care who they hurt with their obsession, with their addiction. as long as they got it, they were fine...and one step closer to death. and the longer that i was in there, the more that i realized that i drank to get over the loss of my daughter's mother, to get over losing a close friend of mine, kameron clare. i drank to get over the pain of feeling abandoned. i drank to get over feeling like the whole world was against me, to get over feeling like a failure. i drank to forget that i never made it anywhere in the wrestling business. i wanted to forget all that had happened to me, i wanted to forget everyone that ever doubted me. even for the few hours that i was intoxicated.
jax sucks in some air before continuing his promo, he took his arm off leilani's shoulder, he smiled at his daughter and he watched as she attached herself to his leg. she tightened the grip as much as she possibly could.
jaxin sykes as you all may have saw a couple of weeks ago, i was confronted by dan murphy during my what was supposed to be two night return to the company, but after a long chat with vince mcmahon, he managed to convince me to enter the royal rumble match this weekend at ascension. i don't know how he talked me into that one, but he did. you sly fox, vince. this will be my first time in the ring since a little less than a year ago, i think i don't know, last march? okay, maybe more than a year ago. but whatever. i've been training to wrestle, but obviously for my upcoming match against dan murphy. when vince managed to convince me, i started training harder. i spend about eight hours at the gym. i'm building all muscle and stamina that i once had, back. i'm building up the skills to get out of a sticky situation. i'm going to look at the royal rumble like this desert. here in the desert, for the animals, it's every animal for themselves. in the royal rumble, it's every man for themselves. you either fare long enough to be crowned the winner or you fall, someone knocks you over the top rope. it takes one mistake to lose, it could even take one mistake to push you forward and you get the advantage that you were looking for. you don't know what's going to happen, you don't know if you're going to make it or not. you don't know what number you're going to draw. if you're one of the last one's chosen, great. if you're drawn to go first, oops. good luck. survival of the fittest. you have to learn to be sneaky about what you do, you can't expect everyone to do work for you, you have to get in there and fight for what you want. i'm not expecting myself to last long, i don't think that i truly have the mentality and the ability to last long in a match like this. especially not right now, i'm probably going to be out of there as soon as i get in there. but we'll never know until it happens, right? right.
jax takes another breath, he looks at leilani whom is still attached to his leg. his heart flutters and he starts talking again, he rubs the back of his neck with his hand.
jaxin sykes i've been feeling quite daring lately, if i do manage to survive long enough to truly fight, then i'm going to take just about every risk that i possibly can. i'm going to fight until i'm the last man standing or until i'm one of the last men standing. i've learned that energy is kind of like feeling drunk. it only lasts for so long, so take what you can of the moment and use it to your advantage. i'm going to take the bull by the horns and do what i can do survive as long as possible. i'm going to put everything into this, and i don't care if i win. i don't care if i lose, all that'll matter at the end of the day was i proved to myself and proved to other people that i still have it in me to fight. i'm a fighter, i won't give up. i won't back down. i'm not about to let something stop me. i came so close to death, and now it's my chance to turn it all around. god, i'm rambling on again, but what i'm trying to get at is the fact that i'm back. i'm here to stay...for now. i'm not making any promises about me staying, but i'll be here for a while. i'm here to make up for what i lost.
jax nods, he lifts his daughter up and starts walking away with her, the camera crew stops recording and follows him to wherever they were going.
scene one notes okay so this was super random, but hey jax is back? okay cool. uuhhh. i don't really know what to say. okay so yeah, enjoy i guess. idk guys. i got bored and wrote this.