The two warriors stand breathless as they pull away with their swords in hand. Both men never wanting to back down from the fight of their lives. They are keen enemies and they have hatred burning in their eyes for one another. Their swords are blunt and their bodies weak from the countless battles they have endured. The scars run deep and the blood cold from former battles. Each man nods in agreement that they have not yet earned the final fatal blow and they seethe their swords. They share a simple stare and they turn back to their scribes. The high sun burns bright as they walk away destined to return to the battlefield once more. This time there will only be one left standing.
~~~~~They first meet~~~~~
Back when Zak first started in THY he was struggling to get his feet in the door. His brief relationship with Demmie wasn’t going anywhere and his matches were all on the Live Card. His only real adversary was none other than the big red monster Kane. Zak sent Kane back to hell in a brutal Street fight in one of Lives greatest matches to date. But still the management wasn’t happy and he was summoned to a meeting with the Board of Talent Relations. Without knowing it Zak was about to take the first step towards the biggest fight of his life at WrestleMania 4. The meeting is taking place and Zak is pleading his case not to be fired.
Zak Shields – “Hey, look I know I’m the new guy and all but am I not doing a good job here. I mean come on I just ended Kane’s demise around here and now you guys want me out. If Vince hasn’t got the balls to fire me himself then I’m not going.”
Zak takes a seat his body is sweaty and his muscles aching from his match with Kane not 10 minutes ago. The chairman of talent relations, Steve Coombs, is sat the other side of his desk listening to every word Zak has to say.
Zak Shields – “If you guys want me gone then I demand you get in touch with UKEW and get me my old job back. I left there thinking this was my big chance and now this. I got a lot of sucking up to do for Christ sake.”
Steve Coombs holds his hand out. He has had enough of what Zak has got to say.
Steve Coombs – “Mr. Shields, I think you may have the wrong end of the stick here. We have no intention of firing you nor have we ever. We appreciate your talents and your dominance on the currant Live cards has be nothing short of fantastic.”
Zak Shields – “So if I’m not getting fired then I must be here for some kind of push right.”
Steve sits back in his chair and he shakes his head as he reveals the true intentions.
Steve Coombs – “Not exactly. You see we enjoy watching your matches and we think you can be something big here. However Vince wants to send you away on his ‘Improvement Program’ to Japan. Basically we will keep paying you to go and wrestle in Japan and we will monitor you closely. What they use you for is entirely their chose. Be it you Job for everyone or you take the highest title and make a decent run with it. It’s up to them. We first just need you to agree.”
Zak slams his fits on the table making Steve jump. Zak stands up, and he smiles. He holds out his hand to Steve.
Zak Shields – “I like this idea Steve. When do I fly out?”
Steve takes Zak’s hand and they shake. Steve goes into his draw and pulls out a handful of letters and papers and hands them to Zak.
Steve Coombs – “You fly out a week Friday Zak. We will send for you when we think you are ready to return to THY.”
Zak nods at Steve and he goes to exits to room. Just as Zak is about to open the door the door flies open. On the other side is none other than Bret Hart. One of Zak’s childhood hero’s in the ring. Bret still looks in his prime and he is wearing his Flames jersey and his cut off rugged jeans.
Bret Hart – “Sorry about that mate. Did realize someone was coming out.”
Zak is star struck and he almost forgets to even say a word to Bret and he finally manages to get out a few words.
Zak Shields – “No problem Bret.”
Zak and Bret shake hands and they each walk through the door. Steve acknowledges Bret and points for him to take a seat.
Bret Hart - “So Steve, I’m ready to come back like Vince said. What amd I here to talk about.”
Steve cracks a smile.
Steve Coombs – “That man who just left the room.”
Bret smiles at Steve and the scene fades out.
~~~~~The dungeon master~~~~~
The time has flown by from Bret and Zak have first met. Zak has now returned to THY and Bret’s rivalry had come to an abrupt end with Bob Cena. But Bret wasn’t happy he knew he could get one more chance at Bob come WrestleMania. All he had to do was take Zak under his wing and show him the ropes in his father’s famous Dungeon. As they both walk down the creaky stairs to the dusty dungeon underneath the Hart Family house. The weights have all but died and rusted because of their lack of use in the past years. The Cardio machines have been out of order since before Zak was born. The mats are all ragged and torn and the sweat of over 100 men has been adsorbed into them. Zak can’t believe his luck. People such as Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith and Chris Benoit have all trained and bleed in thie one room and Zak knew what was coming. Bret takes off his jacket and he is wearing his old style wrestling gear. Zak is too busy admiring the dungeon to notice that Bret is stood behind him waiting to pounce. Zak turns around and Bret lunges and locks in a headlock on Zak. Zak is powerless to take any action to stop it as Bret uses Zak’s weight to flip him over and pin him to the floor and tightening his grip on Zak’s neck. Bret holds Zak on the floor until Zak can’t take anymore. Zak starts to tap on Bret’s body as a sign he gives in. But Bret doesn’t release the hold. Bret holds until the last second and he finally releases Zak. Bret stands up as Zak is knelt over the floor tring to get his breathe back.
Zak Shields – “You dickhead… Why didn’t… you… Release… ME!”
Bret walks round to Zak’s head and he kneels down in front of him. Bret looks at Zak and he shakes his head.
Bret Hart – “Because when we take on Bob Cena and Crack they won’t release until they absolutely have to.”
Zak finally gets his breathe back and he stands up in front of Bret.
Zak Shields – “What the fuck are you talking about. We’re not facing Bob or Crack.”
Bret Hart – “Yes we will! At WrestleMania. Bob has embarrassed me for the last time and I have a full proof plan to rope him into a match at Mania.”
Zak takes a seat at a nearby bench and he rubs the back of his neck.
Zak Shields – “Enlighten me, How you think we are going to do that.”
Bret smirks as he folds his arms.
Bret Hart – “Basically all I’m going to do is pick a fight with him. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Bob hates me with a passion and I feel the same to him. Once I enter the ring and start to throw some punches he won’t back down. Trust me.”
Zak Shields – “So tell me again why this involves me?”
Bret Hart – “Simple dipshit. Last two times me and Bob went toe to toe I didn’t come out too well. I know I can take him I just need some help. That’s where you come in. But like I’ve already said Crack will be in Bob’s corner too. We can take the down together.”
Zak Shields – “But why me why not someone else.”
Bret Hart – “Because I have seen your improvement from day one. The day you flew out to Japan I was watching every single match you were involved in. When it was time for you to return I sent for you. Not Vince and certainly not the improvement program. From the second we met in that doorway I have had your career in my hands. Every opponent you have faced since coming back has been my doing. Watching and waiting for you to become ready to help me take them down.”
Zak stands up in a rage.
Zak Shields – “So it was your fault I wasn’t allowed to challenge for the Television title after I beat Demmie.”
Bret stands in a cold silence and he looks down and takes a deep breathe. Zak doesn’t need to hear anymore and he storms past Bret. Bret grabs Zak’s arm and he turns him around. Zak stares daggers into Bret’s eyes.
Zak Shields – “I have nothing more to say to you. You cost me my shot at my first major title.”
Bret Hart – “No I never. I’m giving you the opportunity to have something so much more. I have given you the chance to take on one of the best in the industry right now. If we can take him out together then nothing will stop us. We will have the world at our feet. But first we have to work and work hard. Right here we must hone our skills just like my father used to do.”
Bret stops and gathers his words as Zak turns and Bret releases his hold on Zak’s arm.
Bret Hart – “I see something I you that my father used to see in a young buck. Your wild and you have the ability. You just need guidance and the right training and you will become one of the best.”
Zak Shields – “Well I think it’s time we got started.”
Zak takes off his jacket to reveal a plain white t-shirt to go along with his cut off shorts. Zak and Bret clear a space in the room and they lay down a few mats. Zak and Bret square up to one another and they lock up. They continue to take on one another swapping and changing holds as they work each other over long into the night.
~~~~~Final Thoughts~~~~~
The days have gone and the tickets have been sold. The rumble has gone and the next stop on the THY train is about to make its way into its final stop. WRESTLEMAINIA VI is simple upon us. The crew and backstage hands have worked tirelessly through the nights to ensure a fantastic show. Outside the Safeco Field Zak and Bret are looking up to the stadium. Bret is wearing his usual pink and black ring attire with his pink shade and his newest jacket with his new slogan ‘Too old to Die Young’ printed on the back. Zak is in his cut off style wrestling jeans and a pair of Bret’s pink shades. He too is wearing a leather jacket but on his it reads ‘British Brawler’ on the back. They turn around to meet a camera crew and the one and only Burris Troy holding a microphone. His pin striped suit is in full form with his open collar. His hair is slick and gelled back. The camera goes live as Burris starts.
Burris Troy – “Ladies and gentlemen at this time my guests are none other than the Hitman Bret Hart and his Tag Team partner for tonight The British Brawler Zak Shields. The feud between Bret and Bob has come to what would seem to an end but only weeks ago the flames of war seem to gain more fuel. Bret what were your motives in attacking Bob Cena?”
Bret Hart – “Motives Burris, I don’t need motives. Bob Cena and I have history any fan of THY can see that. The last few time me and Bob met in the ring I was on the reciving end of a savage beating. I couldn’t let it lie. I was sat up at home and I couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t enjoy my freedom from the ring. I had to get my one more shot at Bob and tonight I have been given my chance.”
Burris Troy – “What about the contract forcing you from entering the ring tonight?”
Bret Hart – “That contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. Vince and his team of lawyers took care of the paperwork all I care about is getting in that ring tonight. In fact I’m possibly doing THY a favor coming back tonight. The fact that I’m coming back into the ring tonight might just have sold just a few more tickets. All those die hard Bret Hart fans have come back to see me one more time in the ring.”
Burris takes a few seconds and he steps in between both men. He turns to Zak.
Burris Troy – “Zak tonight you are teaming up with who you once called your childhood hero. How do you feel?”
Zak Shields – “Tonight I’m living the dream of everyone that had the same dream as me. I’m stepping into the ring with a man so epic that the heavens above down want to take him away from us. This man I watch in the ring and his technical ability made me work harder and harder wanting to become just like him. Tonight I get my chance to show the world that Zak is here and I’m serious about taking THY by storm.”
Burris turns back to Bret.
Burris Troy – “Bret people are talking that the feud between you and Bob Cena has the potential to become one of the longest in THY history surpassing that of Ken Walker and Austin Starr. Why do you two hate each other so much?”
Bret Hart – “It’s simple Burris. From day one when I offered Bob to face me in the ring all he had to do was put his World Title on the line against me and I promised to make him famous. But he was too scared to face me and I never got my chance to take it from him. Our feud has lasted well over 2 years now and he has done some pretty despicable stuff like attacking my family and my own wife. For this Burris I cannot nor have I ever forgiven Bob Cena. Bob he just gets under my skin and he has a way of pushing my buttons.”
Burris Troy – “But like you mentioned you haven’t got a very good record against Bob. Why do you want to face him one more time?”
Bret Hart – “It’s a mental block in my mind Burris I have to face him once more before he hangs up his boots. I have to get my one more chance at his demise. Maybe I will meet my maker tonight and Bob will take my life in that ring tonight. Well if that’s my fate then so be it. I will embrace my brother and my parents at the gates tonight if I must just so I can get my last chance at Bob. It’s basically not a case of want it’s a case of I need to do this.”
The crowd behind all three men is slowly starting to gather. The director behind the camera signals to get Burris to hurry the interview along before it gets too crowded.
Burris Troy – “Now Zak, Bret claimed that he handpicked you to aid him tonight. He could have picked anyone but he picked you. What do you think prompted him to pick you?”
Zak stares at Burris in a menacing way.
Zak Shields – “That sort of sounded like an insult Burris. But I’ll answer you my little friend. Bret told me from day one he saw something in me that he said he wanted to help me hone. Well tonight all my training that Bret has supplied me with will come tonight.”
Burris Troy – “Now when you first returned to THY Zak, you actually aided Bob Cena in gaining the Intercontinental Championship. Why would you aid the man you knew you were going to face at WrestleMania?
Zak chuckles to himself and he raises his shades.
Zak Shields – “Well that’s a bit of a grey area Burris. Bob needed the win and he clearly couldn’t take out Joey the Bastard on his own so I thought I’d give him a little hand just to show him what I was capable of. Bob only won the Intercontinental Championship because of me. Didn’t you notice the night he lost it I was nowhere to be seen. I was showing him that he is nothing without my aid but tonight Bret has my aid and I’m going to show Bob even more of my skills in the ring tonight. Bob knows he can’t win without me helping him.”
Burris Troy – “Well what about Bob’s tag team partner Crack?”
Zak Shields – “What about him. He’s a leech that has done nothing but jump on the back of Bob and sucked the blood of the victor and done nothing with his career, I will be very surprised if Bob even tags him in tonight with the caliber of men he will be facing.”
Before they can continue the director signals for them to call it quits as the crowd is starting to get bigger. Some of the public have even spotted them and are trying desperately to get to Zak and Bret but the security is doing a sterling job of keeping them back. More security arrive to help usher the men and the camera crew to the barricaded area leading to the backstage. Bret and Zak are walking ahead of the rest of them sharing a few words of advice. The camera crew stops just inside the barricaded area and Burris closes out.
Burris Troy – “Well tonight ladies and gentlemen Bret Hart and Bob Cena will go at it one more time. Will Bret be able to re write history or will Bob continue his unbeaten path against Bret. Tune in tonight only on Pay-Per-View.”
Bret and Zak have made the way into the backstage area and the atmosphere is starting to get more and more intense. The crew and stage hands are all making final adjustments as the fans will soon be allowed into the arena and everything must be perfect. The two men walk into their locker room and waiting for them is Julie. She races to Bret and she hugs him.
Julie Hart – “How did it go?”
Bret lands a soft kiss on his wife’s head.
Bret Hart – “It went well. Zak is a natural. Tonight win lose or draw I will have my closure.”
The locker room door closes and the scene fades.